Most don’t realize that paint manufacturers never stop researching special colors, materials and techniques, offering professional painters new opportunities to create special effects for clients looking to own one-of-a-kind paint jobs. Among bike painters always experimenting with new processes, a shop I just discovered called “Unexpected Custom” whose creative use of metallic and iridescent colors mixed with metal powders and secret additives in various layers results in unique and gorgeous works of art. Want to show off your personality and your taste on your custom bike? Challenge the artists at Unexpected Custom. But you will have to ship your bike parts to Italy (they speak English…)
10 Responses to “Unexpected Custom Paint Jobs”
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The tank and tins look like a suit of armor. Both helmets look cool as well, but I’m more partial to the one on the right.
Very cool!
Wow! I feel I should have to pay to look. Very impressive, If I had a bike painted like that I’d be afraid to ride it.
Such a beautiful paint job I almost think the rest of the bike would ruin it. =0
Very nice.
There are some damn talented people out there! Love the tank and the helmet on the right with the painted in ventilation screens (at least I think they’re painted in)…Very Cool!
It’s sort of Venetian Steampunk. It’s fnatastic, but I would want to hang it on my wall rather than my bike.
the tank and tins gives me some ideas