The purpose of a skirted rear bagger fender is to hide the struts and fill the ugly gap between the fender and each bag. Many are offered in fiberglass as a bolt-on stock rear fender replacement.
This one from Paughco is in steel with a smooth or top dual-rib design, with or without cutout to install a license frame. If you order the cutout model it comes with a chrome full function LED’s for turn signals, running and brake lights.
These fenders are designed to fit 2009-2012 FLHX Street Glide, FLTR Road Glide and FLHR Road King models. Cutout fenders with the frame go for just $734.95 in smooth or ribbed and the non-cutout style goes for $535.9. For complete details call 775-246-5738 or visit Paughco.
Looking good.
Get the ribbed one of course. For HER pleasure.
I Like the Ribbed version, Very Nice,, For her pleasure
i did this a few months ago for a customer..this would have really dropped the labor involved. wow..nice piece
SWEET!!! Looks way better than most of the fiberglass ones offered today…Steel is Real and Made in the USA (Thanks Ray)! Looks like Paughco is going to get in my wallet a bit.
Love it! The real deal. Quality work will be bought.
Boss Hawg
just because they are from Paughco, doesnt mean they are made in the USA… Give them a call, they will tell you were they get them..