Thought Of The Day




“Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.” Andrew Carnegie.

15 Responses to “Thought Of The Day”

  1. 1 HD Rider Sep 6th, 2014 at 8:58 am

    I think a lot depends on how large the surplus is.

  2. 2 Dave Blevins Sep 6th, 2014 at 9:57 am

    An interesting quote from a man, in fact THE MAN, (Mr. Carnegie) who hired hitmen to kill the workers striking at his steel factory. Mr. Carnegie is ultimately a figure in history that gave rise to the necessity of the union(s) in America… his philanthropy in his reclining years was an only attempt to turn his reputation as an intolerable bastard to a giving and compassionate man.
    History should remember him as both equally I suppose.
    I do agree with the quote, perhaps more so than the man that said it.

  3. 3 highrpm Sep 6th, 2014 at 3:28 pm

    “let him who has 2 give 1 to him who has none.” or some such quote from the j man on the mount. i’m first in line at larryandsergies’ cars when they leave work for the day, with my hand out for several mil so i can buy a house in the beautiful city of san fran.

  4. 4 James just another crazy Kiwi Sep 6th, 2014 at 5:25 pm

    6 Years ago our Govt gave tax cuts to the wealthy and said it will trickle down.
    It did not because the very wealthy are generally not a generous bunch and they already have mostly everything they want so do not do allot of extra spending.

    Big companies and the wealthy pay less tax than the middle classes, ie Warren Buffet.

    The Western Govts live off the shoulders of the middles classes.

    Corporatism is as enslaving as Communism. It Stifles individualism and hates people who question their authority.

    The middle class and small to medium size companies built the west, but they are both disappearing. So much for winning the cold war…………………………….

  5. 5 nicker Sep 6th, 2014 at 8:52 pm


    “… The Western Govts live off the shoulders of the middles classes …”

    In reality, every power structure “lives off the masses.”
    On the one hand, it is the basis of civilization.
    On the other hand, a civilization like the USA has evolved laws to keep the government at bay.
    (if we chose to apply them)

    In fact, the American process has been “trickle-up,” not down.
    Rockefeller family based their Billions on the thousands of housewives who paid their nickles for the petroleum to power household lights and stoves. Just like it was Millions of Americans paying Ford so they could drive his cars (today we buy PCs and Apple computers). No one held a gun to anyone’s heads to make them purchase these products.

    But once the Barons had amassed their fortunes, they needed guns to keep em.
    Carnegie and robber barons like him, throughout history have had to devise ways to appease the masses to stave off the angry mobs storming the castle gates (building libraries, museums. & stadiums).

    But throughout history its been way too easy for the “intellectual class/talking heads,” who have the capacity to do nothing, who’ve had no skin in the game other than of envy of those with the capacity to accomplish something, it is these malcontents who will instigate the masses to gut the goose that lays the golden eggs. And it is they, not the unwashed masses, who would “control the means of production” and to distribute that which others have created.

    Certainly, murder, theft, and corruption are crimes which should be prosecuted. But to simply declare surplus wealth a “good of the community” is to swallow the Marxist prattle of the Progressive Left, hook line and sinker.

    (Hillary – Scandals = 0)

  6. 6 BCinSoCal Sep 7th, 2014 at 9:50 am

    If it weren’t for the “Capitalists” creating business and industry, “the workers” would have no work. Capitalism is what built this country and the greatest economy the world had ever seen. Sorry it’s slipping away now…. for too any reasons to start on here.

  7. 7 Woody Sep 7th, 2014 at 10:01 am

    So much more civilized to elect people to steal from others.

  8. 8 Mike Tomas, Kiwi Indian MC Co Sep 7th, 2014 at 10:12 am

    Everyone is built a bit different from the other and has different views as well. Carolyn and my mission has always been to give back. It’s even more so these days and for the rest of our lives. We have formed YEP, Youth Enrichment Program with the Road Weasels Group and Ross Tomas Foundation. We are giving back to invest in our youth.

  9. 9 BCinSoCal Sep 7th, 2014 at 11:01 pm

    Nicker, it’s a two sided coin, and you spoke to both sides 👍

  10. 10 nicker Sep 8th, 2014 at 12:36 am

    I hear ya and i see your point ….. and in your position it probably works well for you.

    “…[your] mission has always been to give back. It’s even more so these days…”

    However, remember this, not every one is in your position.

    My point is simply that “sharing” doesn’t work for every one. Especially in this economy.
    And it sure as Hell doesn’t work when the Government-types decide when and how much everyone should “share.”

    Everyone lives in a “Sphere of influence.”
    And within that context they are best able to determine how participate toward the “common good.” For those of imitated means their contribution may simply mean being a good role model and keeping their own “house in order.”

    Its like the airline stewardess says:
    “You must put your oxygen mask on 1st! … PERIOD…..Not those of your children.”
    Because you can’t help anyone when your passed out.
    Laying in the isle you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    Here’s a thought for the day:

    Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day.
    Teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks,
    Months, maybe years.


  11. 11 Woody Sep 8th, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Good on you, Mike. The big thing is you CHOSE to give, and you get to decide who receives. The entitlement mindset in my beloved USA is the opposite. Somehow instead of the Federal Government taking only what is needed for defense, roads, internal policing, etc. it takes whatever the hell it feels like and uses it to dispense as gifts to buy votes, placate the useless and let people play the Gong Show to try and win it back. Even the first reply here feels if someone has “too much” of something, it’s OK to take some it simply because. That’s the same mindset of a mugger-“nice watch and car mister, hand it over or I’ll kill you”. The whole wealth distribution BS encourages people to give up and blame the successful while calling “unfair” when the successful push back and dare to keep what they have. Seems all one has to do is prove they’re broke and it’s the duty of the government to steal from someone who isn’t broke and hand it out? Not much incentive there for me to work harder and pay $880.71/month for my health insurance when I could give up and get stuff for free. Guess “trickle up” poverty is my future. 🙁

  12. 12 richard Sep 8th, 2014 at 3:57 pm

    Trickle down does not work. Trickle up does work. If the masses (as opposed to the top 2%) get paid a little more money, they spend it for mostly necessities. When they spend it, they create demand. With more demand, more goods and services need to be provided (Supply) and more jobs are created etc. When the wealthy get wealthier, they just add to their fortunes.

  13. 13 Jeff Nicklus Sep 8th, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    The Thought for The Day

    “A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities and only law enforcement has guns.”

    “And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist, it’s called prison.”

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

    Over & Out,


  14. 14 nicker Sep 8th, 2014 at 6:49 pm

    “… When the wealthy get wealthier, they just add to their fortunes …”

    Can’t say i ever meeting a scooter tramp who gave the “wealthy and their money” a second thought.

    As i recall, “rickle down” wasn’t intended to explain how the wealthy buying stuff helps the middle class. It was meant to explain how the investment of capital into the means of production creates jobs at which people work for pay.

    In this wonderful country hose who don’t like that arrangement are free to either start their own “means of production” (more accurately called “trickle-up”)…… or they can move on to some better opportunity.

    If you’ve studied history you’ll find this process works a hell of a lot better than trying to make a living at subsistence farming or being on the wrong end of Socialism.

    Of course, there always have been and will continue to be those who prefer “robbery” (of various type). After all, the hours are better and you don’t have to put out as much effort (but there is a significant down-side, ask Bernie Madeoff).


  15. 15 Clark Kirkendall Sep 9th, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    Nicker is correct. This current administration is slowly killing our country, while their party leaders and supporters could care less about what freedoms are being lost, what laws get crammed down our throats, and how horrible this “recovery” is going, as long as “their” side is in power.

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Cyril Huze