Vintage American Motorcycle Photos

If you are like me, you will never design a motorcycle without immersing yourself in the “atmosphere” of the style of bike you are thinking of. It is especially true if you intend to build, rebuild or restore a vintage bike. Journalist Charlie Lecach from Freeway Magazine pointed out to me an excellent website called Vintage American Motorcycle Photos created and maintained by Curt Montague. Want to see how it was originally done? Want to find inspiration? Just want a free trip down memory lane? Racing bikes? Police bikes? Military bikes? Commercial bikes? They are all there. The site is quite big with new pictures uploaded all the time by readers. Now, a sad note: the best ever vintage pictures of Harley-Davidsons were done by Pohlman Studios of Milwaukee. Thousand were sold everywhere and they have been featured in a lot of historic books. These pictures were so good that scanned in high resolution you could even see the most intricate details of each bike, even read the engine serial number, all things useful when doing a restoration. Vintage American Motorcycle Photos website used to show these pictures. But the Harley-Davidson has decided that it was not their interest anymore to let these pictures circulate freely in the motorcycle world. So, under pressure, Curt Montague was obliged to remove them. Still, his website is a must to visit and visit again. Vintage American Motorcycle Pictures.              

1 Response to “Vintage American Motorcycle Photos”

  1. 1 Gregory Mar 29th, 2007 at 9:06 am

    Time machine..

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Cyril Huze