The Genuine Harley-Davidson Motor Accessories Customizer

hdcustomizerAs a Custom Builder I never been and can’t be a big fan of any 3rd party software programs supposed to help a retail client customize his ride. The reason being that these softwares limit the individual to very few options like paint job, wheels, bags, etc…and that they induce the idea that customization has a limited potential. Now, things are a little bit different when the “Customizer” is offered by a giant brand manufacturer like Harley-Davidson.

First because Harley proposes to help you customize your ride starting from the Harley that you own, not from an imaginary motorcycle. So, you start from the real thing. Second, Harley is in the business of selling you their own genuine after-market market custom parts, and it makes sense for them to show you what is possible with their wide range of parts,  and importantly what will fit on your ride while you dream front of your screen.

What interactive customizing programs will never do is to teach you good design and good taste. As I often wrote in my philosophy of customization. “it’s not because it fits hat it is right!”. iAt best they are just a guide to tell you what may fit and just a little bit how it will look (only CAD programs or a 3D cameras could approach reality). Still, I quite admire the Web Designer(s)/Programmer(s) who worked on the online Harley Customizer. Very fancy website work going as far as today’s technology permits to make all Harley owners get a feel of what their “bare-naked” bikes could become…and of course at what price. Forget your video games, At least try it one time. You are not obliged to buy anything….The Genuine Motor Accessories Customizer.

1 Response to “The Genuine Harley-Davidson Motor Accessories Customizer”

  1. 1 John E Adams Sep 18th, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Someone did some nice programming here and I am sure that had a nice proce as well!

    Some good points Cyril on the pros and cons, it is a neat feature and a plus for the marketing Department. At this level they are probably tracking some type of ROI – that would be some neat info if you could get your hands on it and share it with us in the future when they have some validated stats -;0)\



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Cyril Huze