Wisconsin To Add Harley-Davidson And Cheese Microbe As State Symbols

harleydavidsonBig Twins and cheese may soon become official Wisconsin symbols. Bills to honor Harley-Davidson and Lactococcus lactis (the bacteria used in the making of cheese) with the state symbol designation were introduced in the Legislature last week. To take effect they must pass both the Senate and Assembly and be signed by Gov. Jim Doyle. I guess it’s an honor, and I love both cheese (of course…) and Harleys. But I smiled when I read that supporters of the bills state that such approval “will promote the dairy and motorcycle industries in lean times”. Really? How? I wish it would be so simple. But as we all know, politicians are always ready to score a few more points by showing to their electors that they support the local industries.

4 Responses to “Wisconsin To Add Harley-Davidson And Cheese Microbe As State Symbols”

  1. 1 fuji Nov 27th, 2009 at 8:54 am

    One would think that Cheese would be first then the Greenbay Packers [owned by the fans ] would be a front runner
    but cheesy is cheesy just full of holes and milk gone bad milk.
    Curds and Whey it’s all stomach pump material

  2. 2 Dave Blevins Nov 27th, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    Perhaps a better symbol would be a dairy cow riding a Road King to an ice fishing hut… It’s already got the leather jacket!
    Got Cheese?
    Those bacteria are not very attractive, hard to imagine one on a state seal or a flag… HeHeHe!

  3. 3 Woody Nov 27th, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    Glad my state’s legislators are hard at work on the truly difficult problems it faces, instead of being brown nosing douches pandering to the lowest common denominator and running away from anything resembling hard work 🙁

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